Monday, July 5, 2010

Okay its been too long...

Ha! That could mean a lot of things now couldnt it? I havent been here though and I need to get this habit up of writing every day. Life can get in the way and there is always something. Yesterday morning my daughters dear dog Lucy had to be put down. She was here for almost 2 weeks just a few days ago. She was very old and much sicker than anyone knew. Its amazing when a loved family dog dies. You can really see the passage of time. She was a great dog who served the family well in three different states. She will be missed.

In the meantime I have Rosie. Who is a handful and everyone says its because she is a puppy. I gave her a little extra loving scratches behind the ears this morning!

Till later, Mickey

Monday, June 28, 2010

When do older people become mean and not just rude?

My daughters have both made it to visit their Grandmother who just turned 88. Shes their Dads mother and really the only Grandmother they have ever known. For someone who has been loving and sweet to them all of their life she has suddenly turned problematic on one of them. Its as if one of the girls (and her kids) simply were not welcome there after they bought the plane tickets to visit. On one level I realize that there is something going on her with Grandmothers thinking process but on the other hand its a hurt that I cant seem to resolve for my beloved daughter. I just wish that her memories of her Grandmother werent going to be bruised and tarnished by this summer but I am very afraid they will be.

Family wedding of different culture...

well, that was a facinating weekend. Drove 6 hours to get to a wedding of a fellow who was at one time my favorite nephew in the whole world. When this guy was little I was all over him, thinking of how much I could help him grow up and what I could do to influence his life. Then life got in the way. His Mom (my sister) and Dad are so different from my approach to life that I didnt stand a chance. Dont get me wrong, hes a great kid but hes had some challenges directly related to how his parents either pushed him OR dismissed him when he was in his formative years I think. I hear hes on his way (in 8 months) to being a Dad himself. He seems to have gotten a good shake on the woman whom he made his wife. Smart, vibrant and personable. I am happy for him. Thank goodness my two daughters and their families made arrangements to get to this wedding along with my other Sister and a few of her family members. I think we were it for his side of the chapel.

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Man, what is it with Dads who get remarried and totally act like they arent Dads anymore? My (our) kids are grown and have kids of their own. Both girls have driven great distances to be in the area that their Dad lives in and visit. Wouldnt you think he would make them feel completely welcome? Wouldnt you think that would also mean he would make sure his wife made those families feel completely welcome? At some point those grown "girls" are going to realize they have their hands full with their own fantastic families and they are going to quit doing the heavy lifting in that relationship with their Dad. "Just saying...."

Monday, June 21, 2010

About to turn 60! Yikes!!!

Man, there is a time when that sounded soooo old to me...not so much anymore. They say that 60 is the new 40 so I am going to go with that. End of July and I am sure that you will be hearing a lot about my slide toward that number in the days ahead.
The interesting thing is I am learning so much about myself again. I am finding out that I am not keeping my word with myself. Does that make sense? More and more I am reflecting on the fact that I am setting some goals about my health & weight, or work and not living up to them past the 48 hours that I first thought them up! What is that all about?
I am faced with something that I dont like in other people. Its all about JUST TALK! Easy to "talk" about things, but much harder to "do" and "apply". Thats my current struggle.
I have a family wedding to attend on Sat in PA. When he was a little kid this young man was one of my favorite people. Hes grown up now and getting married on Sat. I dont really know him anymore but hes got a smile from ear to ear and I am sure that the wedding with be lovely.
Stay centered, Mickey

Thursday, June 17, 2010

I am going to do this! I can do this.